Teenagers are known for being moody from time to time. How do you know if your teen boy is depressed or just having a bad day?

There are certain characteristics of depression you should watch out for in your teenager. If these red flags prolong for months, your teen may need help. Let’s dive into the persistent signs and symptoms of teenage depression.

5 Physical Signs of Depression

One or a combination of these symptoms could signal that your son has depression and needs support.

  1. Lack of Personal Hygiene
    Is your son refusing to bathe or shower? Are they failing to use hygiene products or wear clean clothes? Once in a while isn’t a big deal, but a consistent decline in body hygiene and appearance can be a warning sign.
  2. Headaches and Bodily Pains
    Are you bringing your son to the doctor more often? If they have unexplained aches and pains, it may be emotions manifesting physically. Prolonged depression can show up as persistent stomach aches, joint pain, headaches, or even back and neck pain.
  3. Lack of Appetite or Overeating
    Depression often creates extremes in eating habits. Your son may consistently skip meals or say he’s not hungry. On the other hand, he may be overeating or eating compulsively without being hungry.
  4. Fatigue and Oversleeping
    Is your teen boy tired all the time? This isn’t uncommon in teens—many stay up too late—but if they’re getting enough rest and still exhausted, pay attention. They may be constantly lethargic or they may struggle to keep their eyes open. Make sure to heed any teacher calls if they report your son is sleeping in class.
  5. Insomnia
    Is your team struggling to sleep? A lack of sleep can lead to all sorts of health problems and be an early sign of depression.

5 Behavioral Signs of Depression

Behavioral warning signs of depression are easy to ignore in teenagers. Stay vigilant and know which behaviors to recognize, especially if they are happening over a long period of time.

  1. Mood Swings
    A lot of people dealing with mental health disorders experience mood swings. Your son may have waves of emotional outbursts and extreme highs or lows.
  2. Forgetfulness and a Lack of Concentration
    Being overly forgetful can go hand-in-hand with depression. Your teen may have difficulty remembering everyday tasks or experience memory loss. He can also have a hard time focusing on something or making decisions.
  3. Mental and Emotional Withdrawal
    Has your teen lost interest in his favorite activities? Has he had trouble in his friendships and relationships? Many teens with depression withdraw from social situations and isolate themselves. They stop participating in hobbies that they used to love and quit extracurricular activities.
  4. Expressing Worthlessness
    Be on the lookout if your son is overly fixated on his failures. He may express guilt, shame and a general feeling of negativity about himself.
  5. Risky Behavior
    Is your teen’s school attendance slipping? Are they staying out late or smelling of alcohol? There are any number of risky behaviors teenagers can participate in. Smoking, poor grades, or getting into fights are just some behaviors that should raise concerns that your teen needs help.

Do You Know a Teen Boy in Need of Help? Call Lakeside Academy Today.

If your teenager is struggling with depression, there is help available. Our holistic programs at Lakeside Academy provide individualized, compassionate, and faith-based support. To learn more about our programs, call us today at 844-768-8336 or send us a message.